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ERASMUS+ SET4Inclusion: Self-Evaluaton Tools for e-Inclusion in HEI

Call for good practices in Inclusive Digital Educaton (HEI focused)

The digitization of education holds immense potential to enhance student learning outcomes. However, it also brings forth significant challenges, particularly for students with disabilities or special needs. These students face the risk of falling behind if their diverse learning needs are not adequately addressed in digital education. As our student population becomes increasingly diverse, it is crucial to ensure that digital education remains inclusive.


The SET4Inclusion project recognizes this importance and aims to enhance the inclusive digital capabilities within higher education. By doing so, it strives to create an environment where every learner feels valued and included, regardless of their abilities or special needs. The project activities include developing self-evaluation tools for higher education management and teachers, creating microlearning units on inclusive digital education, compiling a collection of best practices, and developing an e-learning platform dedicated to inclusive digital education.


An important part of the project is a collection of good practices in inclusive digital education, which will serve as inspiration for higher education institutions and teachers on how to implement inclusion in their organisations or in their work as teachers.


For this purpose, we invite everyone with good practices in inclusive digital education to share their insights with us and other interested parties. Good practice can relate to different areas of inclusion in digital education. For example they can relate to:

• Leadership/ School’s perspective
• Collaboration and Networking
• Infrastructure and Equipment

• Tools and Technology
• Continuous Professional Development

• Pedagogy: Supports and Resources
• Pedagogy: Implementation in the classroom
• Assessment Practices/ Inclusion Assessment
• Student Digital Competence

• Student’s Perspective
• Other areas


The following questions should be addressed:
• Do you prioritize inclusion in digital learning at your school or in your classroom?
• Do you anticipate students’ differences in your digital teaching strategy?
• Do you consider your practice to be a good practice and are you willing to share your practice with a SET4Inclusion team?


Please apply to our call, the selected good practices will be publised in our Collection of good practices and will be promoted at the DIGIN 2024, Digital Inclusion In Information Society conference, which will take place on 9th of october 2024 in Ljubljana, Slovenia. The authors of the best practices will be invited to co-author a joint-paper on best practices and will have the opportunity to present their practice on the conference (in person or online).


Good practice need to be described on a provided template and need to be sent to the email set4inclusion@gmail.com untill 30th of June 2024. Each entry will be carefully reviewed and evaluated by the SET4Inclusion team and the authors of the selected good practices to be published in Collection of the good practices will be notified by 15th of July 2024. Authors of the selected best practices will also be invited to co-author a joint-paper for the DIGIN conference. In short:


Good Practice submission: 30th/June/2024
Author notification: 15th/July/2024


For more information about the project, please visit our website: https://set4inclusion.eu/.

SET4Inclusion team

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