Florian Gallo
Prof. Sérgio D. Correia
Meet the team members of SET4Inclusion
Dr. Boštjan Šumak

is an associate professor and researcher at the Institute of Informatics in the computer science field. He has more than 20 years of experience in research and pedagogical work in several courses of different study programs at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, University of Maribor. He is the principal professor of the course User Experience Evaluation, a course in the second cycle bologna study program Informatics and Technologies of Communication. He is also teaching Web Development, part of the undergraduate study program Media Communications. He is a team leader of the UM project team that collaborates in an ERASMUS+ ADORE – Accessibility in Digital Communication Higher Education Curricula. He was a project team leader of the UM project team that collaborated in an ERASMUS+ Certified Digital Accessibility Training project that aimed to develop specialized digital accessibility training and an accessible e-learning platform to improve the knowledge, skills, and competencies of diverse groups of key stakeholder s. He participated in various research and industrial projects. He was the chair of the project council of the Didakt.UM project, whose purpose was to encourage the modernization of higher education, didactics through modern ICT, and the transition to digital education to raise the quality of higher education institutions. He is a member of the program committee of international conferences. His current research interests, among others, include HCI, digital accessibility, accessible HCI, UX design and evaluation, brain-computer interfaces (BCI), information systems acceptance, etc.

Dr. Maja Pušnik

Is an assistant professor and researcher at the Institute of Informatics in the computer science field. She has nearly 20 years of experience in research and pedagogical work in several courses of different study programs at UM FERI. Among others, she is teaching the courses Business process optimization and Strategic planning, where topics like total experience strategy (TX), which include user experience (UX), customer experience(CX), multi-experience (MX), and employee experience (EX) emphasize initiative to provide solutions suitable for all users. She participated in various research and industrial projects. Currently, she is a member of COST Action CA19135 – Connecting Education and Research Communities for an Innovative Resource Aware Society, acting as Grant Awarding Coordinator. Her current research interests, among others, include Hyper-automation, HCI, digital accessibility, UX design and evaluation, total experience strategy, information systems acceptance, etc.

Dr. Katja Kous

has more than 10 years of experience in researcher, pedagogical and project work. Her main research domain is UX related with person with disabilities. She investigated the usability of web interface with integrated assistive technology for person with and without dyslexia.

Isabel Leandro

Is a project coordinator with an International Business Comunication Degree from UCLan (United Kigndom), Degree of History and Master of Comunication and Audiovisual Education at the University of Huelva. She currently works as a coordinator of European projects at Inercia Digital with more than 9 years of experience, specializing in Erasmus+ Projects and mobilities at the International Department of the University of Huelva. Spain.

Marta Marmol

Degree in English Language and Literature. Master of International Communication, Translation and Interpretation. Expert in the development and management of European projects. She focuses on fostering a culture of continuous improvement, where collaboration, adaptability and latest technologies in the educational sector converge to drive her projects to success. Working in Erasmus+ projects and other EU programs.

Fran Gómez

Senior technician in network computer system administration. Senior technician in web application development. Technician in microcomputer systems and networks. Professional specialised in cybersecurity, web design, e-learning platforms, graphic and audiovisual design and emerging technologies such as drones and artificial intelligence. Experienced in Erasmus+ projects.

Cerrahpaşa, Istambul, Turkey
Dr. Irfan Simsek

Completed his MA at Istanbul University in 2009 on the “Development of An Integratable Online Examination Module for E-Learning Systems”. In 2008, he was invited to Melbourne University as a visiting scholar for six months. He studied online education and undertook training courses using the Second Life platform. He started his PhD at Istanbul University in 2009 on the “Development of a Web Based Intelligent Examination System According to Measurement and Evaluation Criteria in Education”. He spent six months as post-doctoral researcher at Northern Illinois University in USA supported by The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK). Dr. Simsek has taken part in one TUBITAK, one ISTKA, nine EU Projects, and more than 30 national projects. His research area is educational technology, distance education, virtual reality, augmented reality, virtual labs, eye-tracking, artificial intelligence and technology integration in education.

Dr. Tuncer Can
Dr. Tuncer Can

Is currently teaching at Istanbul University-Cerrahpaşa, Hasan Ali Yücel Faculty of Education, ELT Department. In 2005, he was granted a Fulbright Scholarship and he spent a year at Syracuse University, NY, USA, where he taught Turkish via videoconferencing. Dr. Can has taken part in eight EU Erasmus+ Projects, also related to immersive environments, teacher training and foreign language learning (1) CAMELOT, (2) YouRNI, (3) TABLIO, (4) GUINEVERE, (5) ARTICULAN, (6) YouALLs, (7) KEY SKILLS and (8) STREAMS. He has been a part time scholar at Turkish Air Force Academy, IU Linguistics Department, Medipol University and Bahçeşehir University ELT Departments. Dr. Can has also edited and co-authored the “Less is More English Coursebook Series”, “Full Circle Integrated Skills Series” and “Swifts English Coursebook Series” from Press Glocal. He is the director of IUC Continuing Education Center and Vice-Director of IUC School of Foreign Languages.

Florian Gallo
Florian Gallo

Is a psychologist with a degree in Developmental Psychology with focus on school and learning processes. Master in Learning Disorders and ADHD. Currently working as a freelance psychologist and Learning Tutor in Turin in addition to five years of experience as a teacher of German and English in various language schools and public institutions. Also currently employed at the Institute for the Deaf in Turin as a researcher, technician and project manager of several European projects.

Maribor, Slovenia
Darja Ivanuša Kline

Is an experienced project manager currently working as the Head of the Expert Board and the Managing director of INUK institute. Her professional experience spans a diverse range of fields, including research methodologies, project evaluation, communication strategies, and the utilization of new media and ICT tools for business communication and education. She also possesses extensive knowledge in sustainable development, with prior experience as a journalist, communication strategist, market researcher, and business developer. She regularly publishes professional articles in different professional magazines and gives lectures in major Slovene and International marketing, communication, and education conferences. In recent years, she has worked intensively on promoting the inclusion of vulnerable groups, specifically people with disabilities, in all aspects of life, but especially in the digital society. Over the past decade, she has been involved as a coordinator or researcher in numerous international projects that address societal challenges related to the inclusion and accessibility of vulnerable groups, and has become a recognized expert in the field of digital inclusion and digital accessibility.

Lisbon, Portugal
Prof. Sérgio D. Correia
Prof. Sérgio D. Correia

(Senior Member IEEE) received his Diploma in Electrical and Computer Engineering from the University of Coimbra, Portugal, in 2000, the Master’s Degree in Industrial Control and Maintenance Systems from Beira Interior University, Covilhã, Portugal, in 2010, and the Ph.D. in Electrical and Computer Engineering from the University of Coimbra, Portugal, in 2020. Currently, he is an Associate Professor at the Polytechnic University of Portalegre, Portugal. He is a Researcher at COPELABS – Cognitive and People-centric Computing Research Center, Lusofona University of Humanities and Technologies, Lisbon, Portugal, and VALORIZA – Research Center for Endogenous Resource Valorization, Polytechnic University of Portalegre, Portalegre, Portugal, and has worked with several private companies for more than 20 years. His current research interests are Wireless Sensor Networks, Artificial Intelligence, Soft Computing, Signal Processing, Embedded Systems, and Computer Architectures.

Ana Cunha
Ana Cunha

Holds a BA in Modern Languages and Literatures as well as a Postgraduation in Educational Sciences and is currently concluding a PhD in Education Sciences. She coordinates the Translation and Languages Office and is an Assistant Professor at Lusófona University, where she has been recognized as an Expert in Modern Languages and Literature. She is also the Executive-director for the Lusophone Institute for Research and Development and currently coordinates over 10 European projects.

Rebeca Tomic
Rebeka Tomic

Holds a master degree in Pharmaceutical Sciences. She works at Lusófona University as a science manager and is currently involved in the implementation of four Erasmus + and two Horizon projects